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20 Important English Application Writing Format For All

Discover 20 essential English application writing formats suitable for various purposes, including job applications, leave requests, and more.
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Important English Application Writing Format

20 Important English Application Writing Format For All

Often by many people, it is underestimated that applications are very important in our day-to-day lives. Application is a formal way of transmitting communication in an organization. A formal application is written in a particular format. One should be aware of choosing decent ‘words’ while writing an application. In this post we provide some of the easy formats of English applications are as follows:

20 All Kinds Of  English Application writing format for job, office, personal, school, etc.

1. Application for leave of absence from office

Application  Format for leave of absence from office

The General Manager,
(Organization name)
Subject: Application for leave

With due respect, I would like to inform you that for the past 10days I was not able to deliver my services to your organization. As I was suffering from a heavy fever and the doctor prescribed me a bed rest keeping in view my health issues. 

So, therefore, I request you to grant me sick leave for the past 10 days. i.e., (date).With this application, I have attached my medical certificate for your records.

Thanking you, sir.

Yours faithfully

2. Application for leave of absence in school/grant for leave in school

Application format for leave of absence in school english application writing

The Principal,
Subject: Application for leave of absence


With due respect, I beg to state that I was not able to attend the classes from(date) to(date) as there was a marriage ceremony in my family.

So, I would like to request you to grant me a leave of absence for the abovementioned dates.

Thanking you in anticipation.

Yours faithfully

3. Application for half leave from school

The Principal,
Subject: Application for half leave


Most respectfully I would like to state that I will not be able to attend the classes after 11am today(date) as there is an appointment of mine with the doctor for my ongoing medications.

So, I would be grateful if you grant me leave for the remaining classes.

Thanking you.

Yours faithfully,

4. Application for a character certificate in a university

The Registrar,
__ University
Subject: Issuing character certificate


With due respect, I beg to state that I was a student of your organization. I have completed my M.A(subject) with first class. I have passed out from your organization with a good score. And now for my further studies, a character certificate of mine is much needed.

So, I would like to request you to issue my same at the earliest.

Thanking you.
Yours faithfully

5. Job application for high school teacher

The Principal,
__ School
Subject: Application for the post of the subject teacher.

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing this application in response to your advertisement in ‘Daily Newspaper’ (date) that there is a vacancy in your organization for the post of English teacher. And I would like to apply for the same. As for my educational background, I hold a bachelor's and Masters's degree in English with first class from (university name). Along with that, I have completed my Bachelors of Education (B.ed) six months back. In addition to that, I have appeared for the NET examination and the result is awaited. Though I am a fresher when it comes to experience my knowledge of the subject and the urge to learn something new brings a lot of confidence in me to be a good teacher. Therefore, I would be more than happy if you consider my application and select me for this post.

I have attached my resume along with this application. I will be waiting for your response.

(Phn no.)

6. Application for school changing/school leaving certificate

The principal,
Subject: Application for school leaving certificate

Dear Sir/Madam,

With due respect, I would like to inform you that my son/daughter(name, class) is a student of your school. I (parent name) is an employee at ‘X’ bank and last month I have been transferred to Jorhat and I am planning to shift to a new place with my family. 

So, therefore, I would be happy if you understand my difficulty and issue the transfer certificate of my son/daughter.

Thanking you.

7. Application for issue of bank statement

The Branch Manager,
X Bank,
Subject: Request for Bank Statement

Dear Sir/Madam,

I would like to request you to provide me the bank statement from(date) to(date). I have a savings account at your bank, in the name of (account holder name) and my a/c number is xxx. I need the above-mentioned detail for my income tax file.

I would like to appreciate your help.

Yours sincerely,
(account holder name)

8. Application for transfer of Savings(S/B) account

The Branch Manager,
Bank name,
Bank address
Subject: Application for transferring of S/B account

Dear Sir,

I__, have a savings account at your bank with account number(9876543210). As, now I have been transferred to a new place (place name), so I request you to transfer the above mentioned account to (new place name). I hereby attach my passbook and the cheque book for your easy reference.

Thanking you.

Yours sincerely,
(phn no.)

9. Application for closure of present savings account

The Manager,
‘X’ Bank,
ABC Branch,
Place name
Subject: Closure of Bank Account No. xxxxxxxxxxx


I would like to inform you that I have a savings account(a/ct no.) with your bank for past six years. But due to some personal issues presently I am not able to maintain this account. So, kindly please close the account and transfer the balance amount in the below
mentioned account details.

Account number- 9876543210
IFSC code- FGHE00034DE4
Account holder name- _

Thanking you
Yours sincerely,
Phone no. 

10. Application for breaking of Fixed Deposit (FD) before maturity

The Manager,
ABC Bank
_ Branch
Subject: Application for breaking of existing FD

Dear Sir/Madam,

I (name of the account holder) hold a savings bank account in your bank(a/c no.) .Also, I would like to state that I had opened a fixed deposit (account no. of the FD) three years back i.e., on(the date). The time period of my fixed deposit was (mentioned the time period of the FD) years. But now I want to break it before maturity as I am in urgent
need of money.

So, you are requested to close my aforesaid Fixed Deposit account and transfer the amount to (account number).

Yours sincerely,


11. Application for an excess Electric bill

The Revenue Officer,
Dept. name
Subject: complaint for an excess bill

Dear Sir,

I would like to highlight that the electric bill with meter no. ___ , consumer no. ___ for last month seems to be very high as compared to the previous months while the consumption is as usual. I have paid off the bill as of now. However, please look in to the matter and kindly adjust the excess amount in the next bill.

Yours sincerely,

12. Application for issue of new passbook

The Manager,
Subject: Applying for a new passbook

Dear Sir,

I have a savings account in your bank with a/c no. xxx. But my passbook was lost last week on my way to home from office. Therefore, I request you to issue me a new passbook for the same.

Thanking you.

Yours sincerely,

13. Application for nominee registration in bank

The Branch Manager,
Bank name, place
Subject: Registration Nominee


I (name) with savings account no. xxx is a account holder at your bank. And I want my daughter (name) as a nominee in my above mentioned savings account.

Therefore, I request you to do the needful.

Yours sincerely,

14. Application for Resignation from service

The Manager,
Company name
Subject: Resignation from my work

Dear Sir/Madam,

For some unavoidable circumstances it has become difficult for me to continue this job and provide my service for this organization. I, therefore request you to accept my resignation letter as soon as possible.
Also, please settle my accounts in full before date.

Thanking you.

Yours sincerely,

15. Application for Birth Certificate

The Birth Registrar
Subject: Issue of Birth Certificate

Dear Sir/Madam,

With due respect I would like to state that I got a child delivered two days back i.e., on(date) at (hospital name). so, therefore, I request you to issue the official birth certificate for the same.

Hospital documentation is attached with the application for your easy reference.

Thanking you.
Yours sincerely,
Parents’ name

16. Application for duplicate Birth certificate

The Registrar of Birth,
___ Municipal Corporation
Subject: Issue of Duplicate Birth Certificate

Dear Sir/Madam,

I (name), DOB, son/daughter of (parent name). I regret to inform you that unfortunately I lost my birth certificate and now I could not find it anywhere. I am in urgent need of it for my further studies as it is regarded as an important document.

So, I request you to issue me a duplicate copy of the birth certificate.

Yours faithfully,


17. Application to Municipal Corporation for road repairing

The President,
____ Municipal Corporation
Subject: Repairing of roads


This is to bring to your kind notice that roads in our locality i.e., street name___, ward no. 6 are in a deplorable state. The damage caused to it year by year is never repaired. Travelling by foot has been difficult for waterlogging in our area.

Please look into the matter as soon as possible.

Yours sincerely,

18. Application to Hostel Warden for going home

The Warden,
Hostel name
Subject: permission for going home


I, (name) live in room no.__. I request you to permit me a leave of three days so that I can go home for some urgent work. From date__ to __.

I hope you will understand my situation and grant me the leave.

Yours sincerely,


19. Application for transfer of LPG gas connection

The Manager,
Indane Gas Agency
Subject: transfer of gas connection


Most respectfully I__ consumer of your gas agency, would like to transfer my gas connection in the name of my son __. Along with this application I have attached my son’s aadhar card for your easy record.

Please transfer the connection. I will be highly thankful to you.

Yours sincerely,


20. Application for theft case

The Officer-in-charge
___ Police Station

Subject: FIR

I (name), is a resident of (address). I am the owner of a two-wheeler bike: brand___ registration no. ___ vehicle description___ On date__ I visited (place name) for some office work at around __a.m/p.m. I had left my bike in the parking but when I returned at around__ a.m/p.m, I could not locate my bike there. I looked in the nearby areas but of no use.

Therefore, I request you to kindly register my FIR regarding the theft. Also, I am providing my Aadhar card as my identity proof and the supporting documents regarding the vehicle.


Ph no.

Written By Ina Deka
Online Content Creator, Passionate Blogger. I like to read and learn new things. Visit My Blog

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