Scrolling Text Effect Codes for Blogger And Wordpress
Are you looking for the "How to add Moving text or Scrolling text or Marquee text in Blog Post ?" You are in right place. Today I will share some blog text effect code that will help you better design your blog.
I personally use this code in many of my blogs and recommend you to use this after applying a custom blog template.
Without wasting any time let's start the post.
Beautiful Scrolling Text Effect Codes for Google Blogger And WordPress Sites 2023
For applying this code to your blog you have to copy and paste the code to
your page by replacing your text, links, or images.
Blogger Code For Simple Moving Text
Left to Right Scrolling Text Effects With Link Blogger Code
Blogger Scrolling Text With Direction Control Code
Moving Image Blogger Code
1. you can change text colour and background colour with hex colour code.
2 Replace image URL by your image Source address.
3.To change the direction of your text find direction="option" And options are left,right,up,down
4.If you are facing problem in adding this code please ask questions in the comment section