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30 Assamese Website List | Top Assamese Blog 2024

Best Assamese Blog , Assamese website , Assamese Website list in Assamese Language
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Best Assamese Blog List | Assamese Website List

Top Assamese Website List In Assam | Best Assamese Blog 2024

You are searching on google for an Assamese website list, Am I right? ok, there are a lot of Assamese blogs in Assam. This is for that, it was very hard for me to find the best Assamese blogs 2024. 

Hey Guys, my name is Himansuu, after a lot of research  Today I am going to share with you the Top Assamese website list |best Assamese blog 2024.

These Assamese websites are collected from various sources including google search, Assamese Facebook Page & Group. We have not added here the Assamese news website, Political website, or company site. Our main purpose to promote the Assamese literature and support the Assamese blogger and encourage them. I hope that it will be very helpful to learn more about Assamese stuff, Assamese Culture, Literature by going through this site.

Cause of Rising up A lot of Assamese Website In 2024

Nowadays technology has changed our life to be easier than before. Just think about that time when people used the bull carts to travel from one city to another. After the invention of most of the scientific equipment or the machine and growing the Technologies has taken part in our daily life. According to research, almost 4.1 billion people in this world are using the internet and more than 627 million people are from India. According to a report, almost 1 cr people are using the internet in Assam. But the number of  Assamese website on the internet is very low.

Assamese Language website List | Best Assamese Blog website List

1. ( Assamese Most Popular Website)

xahitya org is the most popular Assamese language website. I personally suggest this website to visit once. On this Assamese website, you can read the Assamese poem, short story, article, etc. Maximum post in  Xahitya org is selected from a popular Assamese Facebook group অসমীয়াত কথাবতৰা (Axomiyat Kotha Botora). This website has created some new Assamese writers in this generation. That's why I add this site to the top of my Assamese website list.

2.  (Assamese website for Poem lovers )

Another Assamese language website is xophura. this website has a huge collection of work of some Assamese old and new writers. Almost 3000 visitors visit this site every month.

3. (Best Assamese blog For Assamese articles)

Xukh Dukh is another most popular Assamese website which is a good platform to raise your voice and sharing your idea about our society issue. They publish a good article, News, and many more.

4 (Best Assamese Entertainment Website )

Enajori is a popular web magazine in Assam. The vision of this website is to create a single platform wherein the entire gamut of Assam, in its entire cultural and artistic splendor, is encapsulated; a humble attempt to put Assam’s rich culture and heritage on the world map so as to enlighten the people of the world about the state of Assam and her people.

5. (Best Assamese Website for Assamese Books)

A student from the Department of Computer Science Gauhati University and a freelance programmer has created this blog for sharing content related to the Assamese language over the internet. In his blog, you can download some famous  Assamese Ebooks of some most popular Assamese writers.

6 (Best Assamese Jokes website )

If you are an Assamese meme lover then this website always makes you smile. On the Assamese jokes website, thousands of Assamese funny stories Assamese koutuk, and memes are available. Almost 500 people visit this site every month. This is the best Assamese Jokes website I have ever known. hence it should be included on our top 10 Assamese website list

7. ( Best Assamese Website for Assamese Novel lovers)

If you have an account on Facebook then you must have read the story of Arnab And Astha ( JEC). This website is the original website of Indranee Sharma who wrote this most popular Assamese book. If you have not read her novel Jec Arnab astha all parts then search on amazon site and definitely order one. The monthly visitor on this Assamese website is 500. ( Best Assamese language website for Funny Post And images And Assamese Quotes)

After the I suggest you visit once to this site. This site is full of fun. if you are looking for the best Assamese jokes site you should not miss this gem. 

Some Other Most popular Assamese website list 2020 

  • 10.
  • 11.
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  • 13.
  • 14.
  • 15.
  • 16.
  • 17.
  • 18.
  • 19.
  • 20.
  • 21.
  • 22.

If you think we have missed any Assamese websites or Assamese blogs to add to this list please comment below. If you think this post is valuable for our Assamese people please share it with your friends

Reference- Assamese Blog List

Online Content Creator, Passionate Blogger. I like to read and learn new things. Visit My Blog

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